For up-to-date information, please visit external page Researcher ID or external page Google Citations
277. Exciton–Ligand Interactions in PbS Quantum Dots Capped with Metal Chalcogenides
P. Papagiorgis, D. Tsokkou, K. Gahlot, L. Protesescu, A. Manoli, F. Hermerschmidt, C. Christodoulou, S.A. Choulis, M.V. Kovalenko, A.Othonos, and G. Itskos
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 50, 27848–27857. external page Link
276. The dark exciton ground state promotes photon-pair emission in individual perovskite nanocrystals
P. Tamarat, L. Hou, J. Trebbia, A. Swarnkar, L. Biadala, Y. Louyer, M.I. Bodnarchuk, M.V. Kovalenko, J. Even & B. Lounis
Nat. Commun., 2020, 11, 6001. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
275. On the Colloidal Stability of PbS Quantum Dots Capped with Methylammonium Lead Iodide Ligands
D. Bederak, N. Sukharevska, S. Kahmann, M. Abdu-Aguye, H. Duim, D.N. Dirin, M.V. Kovalenko, G. Portale, and M.A. Loi
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 47, 52959–52966. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
274. Unraveling the Origin of the Long Fluorescence Decay Component of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
M.A. Becker, C. Bernasconi, M.I. Bodnarchuk, G. Rainò, M.V. Kovalenko, D.J. Norris, R.F. Mahrt, and T. Stöferle
ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 11, 14939–14946. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
273. Monodisperse CoSb nanocrystals as high-performance anode material for Li-ion batteries
S. Wang, M. He, M. Walter, K.V. Kravchyk and M.V. Kovalenko
Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 13872-13875. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

272. Electron transport in iodide-capped core@shell PbTe@PbS colloidal nanocrystal solids
R. Miranti, R.D. Septianto, M. Ibáñez, M.V. Kovalenko, N. Matsushita, Y. Iwasa, and S.Z. Bisri
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2020, 117, 173101. external page Link
271. The Pitfalls in Nonaqueous Electrochemistry of Al‐Ion and Al Dual‐Ion Batteries
K.V. Kravchyk, M.V. Kovalenko
Adv. Energy Mater., 2020, 2002151. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
270. Polaron and Spin Dynamics in Organic–Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
M. Shrivastava, M.I. Bodnarchuk, A. Hazarika, J.M. Luther, M.C. Beard, M.V. Kovalenko, K.V. Adarsh
Adv. Optical Mater., 2020, 2001016. external page Link
269. Building better dual-ion batteries
K.V. Kravchyk and M.V. Kovalenko
MRS Energy and Sustainability, 2020, 7, E36. external page Link
268. Superradiant emission from self-assembled light emitters: From molecules to quantum dots
G. Rainò, H. Utzat, M.G. Bawendi and M.V. Kovalenko
MRS Bulletin, 2020, 45, 841-848. external page Link
267. Solid-state NMR and NQR Spectroscopy of Lead-Halide Perovskite Materials
L. Piveteau, V. Morad, and M.V. Kovalenko
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 46, 19413–19437. external page Link (open access) external page PDFexternal page

266. Fast Neutron Imaging with Semiconductor Nanocrystal Scintillators
K. McCall, K. Sakhatskyi, E.H. Lehmann, B. Walfort, A. Losko, F. Montanarella, M.I. Bodnarchuk, F. Krieg, Y. Kelestemur, D. Mannes, Y. Shynkarenko, S. Yakunin, and M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 11, 14686–14697. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

265. Aluminum electrolytes for Al dual-ion batteries
K.V. Kravchyk & M.V. Kovalenko
Communications Chemistry, 2020, 3, 120. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

264. Efficient Lone Pair-Driven Luminescence: Structure-Property Relationships in Emissive 5s2 Metal Halides
K. McCall, V. Morad, B. Benin, and M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Materials Lett., 2020, 9, 1218–1232. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

263. Negative Thermal Quenching in FASnI3 Perovskite Single Crystals and Thin Films
S. Kahmann, O. Nazarenko, S. Shao, O. Hordiichuk, M. Kepenekian, J. Even, M.V. Kovalenko, G.R. Blake, and M.A. Loi
ACS Energy Lett., 2020, 5, 2512–2519. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
262. Electrophoretic deposition of nanoporous oxide coatings from concentrated CuO nanoparticle dispersions
L. Dörner, P. Schmutz, R. Kaegi, M.V. Kovalenko, and L.P.H. Jeurgens
Langmuir, 2020, 36, 28, 8075–8085. external page Link
261. Bulk and Nanocrystalline Cesium Lead-Halide Perovskites as Seen by Halide Magnetic Resonance
L. Piveteau, M. Aebli, N. Yazdani, M. Millen, L. Korosec, F. Krieg, B.M. Benin, V. Morad, C. Piveteau, T. Shiroka, A. Comas-Vives, C. Copéret, A.M. Lindenberg, V. Wood, R. Verel, and M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Cent. Sci., 2020, 6, 7, 1138–1149. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Highlights: ACS Cent. Sci., 2020, July 2 (“external page Magnetic Resonance for Challenging Quadrupolar Halide Spins in Perovskites”).
260. Nano-domains assisted energy transfer in amphiphilic polymer conetworks for wearable luminescent solar concentrators
C.-S. Huang, K. Jakubowski, S. Ulrich, S. Yakunin, M. Clerc, C. Toncelli, R.M. Rossi, M.V. Kovalenko, L.F. Boesel
Nano Energy, 2020, 105039. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
259. Supramolecular Approach for Fine-Tuning of the Bright Luminescence from Zero-Dimensional Antimony(III) Halides
V. Morad, S. Yakunin, and M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Materials Lett., 2020, 2, 845–852. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

258. Silicon Oxycarbide-Antimony Nanocomposites for High-Performance Li-Ion Battery Anodes
R. Dubey, P.V. Sasikumar, N. Cerboni, M. Aebli, F. Krumeich, G. Blugan, K.V. Kravchyk, T. Graule and M.V. Kovalenko
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 13540-13547. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

257. Bright Blue and Green Luminescence of Sb(III) in Double Perovskite Cs2MInCl6 (M = Na, K) Matrices
A. Noculak, V. Morad, K.M. McCall, S. Yakunin, Y. Shynkarenko, M. Worle, M.V. Kovalenko
Chem. Mater., 2020, 32, 12, 5118–5124. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

256. The Rb7Bi3‐3xSb3xCl16 family: A Fully Inorganic Solid Solution with Room‐Temperature Luminescent Members
B.M. Benin, K.M. McCall, M. Wörle, V. Morad, M. Aebli, S. Yakunin, Y. Shynkarenko, and M.V. Kovalenko
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 2–10. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

255. White CsPbBr3: Characterizing the One‐Dimensional Cesium Lead Bromide Polymorph
M. Aebli, B.M. Benin, K.M. McCall, V. Morad, D. Thöny, H. Grützmacher, M.V. Kovalenko
Helv. Chim. Acta, 2020, 103, e2000080. external page Link

254. Lead-Halide Scalar Couplings in 207Pb NMR of APbX3 Perovskites (A = Cs, Methylammonium, Formamidinium; X = Cl, Br, I)
M. Aebli, L. Piveteau, O. Nazarenko, B.M. Benin, F. Krieg, R. Verel, M.V. Kovalenko
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 8229. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

253. Memories in the Photoluminescence Intermittency of Single Cesium Lead Bromide Nanocrystals
L. Hou, C. Zhao, X. Yuan, J. Zhao, F. Krieg, P. Tamarat, M.V. Kovalenko, C. Guo and B. Lounis
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 6795-6802. external page Link
252. Hot Carrier Dynamics in Perovskite Nanocrystal Solids: Role of the cold carriers, nanoconfinement and the surface
T.R. Hopper, A. Gorodetsky, A. Jeong, F. Krieg, M.I. Bodnarchuk, M. Maimaris, M. Chaplain, T.J. Macdonald, X. Huang, R. Lovrincic, M.V. Kovalenko, A.A. Bakulin
Nano Lett., 2020, 20, 4, 2271-2278. external page Link
251. CsPbBr3 Nanocrystal Films: Deviations from Bulk Vibrational and Optoelectronic Properties
S.G. Motti, F. Krieg, A.J. Ramadan, J.B. Patel, H.J. Snaith, M.V. Kovalenko, M.B. Johnston, L.M. Herz
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2020, 1909904. external page Link
250. Vibrational dynamics in lead halide hybrid perovskites investigated by Raman spectroscopy
J. Ibaceta-Jaña, R. Muydinov, P. Rosado, H. Mirhosseini, M. Chugh, O. Nazarenko, D.N. Dirin, D. Heinrich, M.R. Wagner, T.D. Kühne, B. Szyszka, M.V. Kovalenko, and A. Hoffmann
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 5604-5614. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
249. Colloidal-ALD-grown core/shell CdSe/CdS nanoplatelets as seen by DNP enhanced PASS-PIETA NMR spectroscopy
L. Piveteau, D. Dirin, C.P. Gordon, B.J. Walder, T.-C. Ong, L. Emsley, C. Copéret, M.V. Kovalenko
Nano Lett., 2020, 20, 5, 3003–3018. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

248. Exclusive Electron Transport in Core@Shell PbTe@PbS Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystal Assemblies
R. Miranti, D. Shin, R.D. Septianto, M. Ibáñez, M.V. Kovalenko, N. Matsushita, Y. Iwasa, S.Z. Bisri
ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 3, 3242-3250. external page Link
247. Colloidal Antimony Sulfide Nanoparticles as a High-Performance Anode Material for Li-ion and Na-ion Batteries
K.V. Kravchyk, M.V. Kovalenko, M.I. Bodnarchuk
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 2554. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

246. InGaN Nanohole Arrays Coated by Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Solid-State Lighting
M. Athanasiou, P. Papagiorgis, A. Manoli, C. Bernasconi, N. Poyiatzis, P.-M. Coulon, P. Shields, M.I. Bodnarchuk, M.V. Kovalenko, T. Wang, G. Itskos
ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2020, 3, 3, 2167-2175. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
245. Structural Evolution of Iron(III) Trifluoroacetate Upon Thermal Decomposition: Chains, Layers and Rings
M. Wörle, C.P. Guntlin, L. Gyr, M.T. Sougrati, C.-H. Lambert, K.V. Kravchyk, R. Zenobi, M.V. Kovalenko
Chem. Mater., 2020, 32, 6, 2482-2488. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

244. Limitations of Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquid Anolytes for Aluminum–Graphite Dual-Ion Batteries
K.V. Kravchyk, C. Seno, M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Energy Lett., 2020, 5, 2, 545-549. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

243. Challenges and Benefits of Post-Lithium-ion Batteries
M. Walter, M.V. Kovalenko, K.V. Kravchyk
New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 1677-1683. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

242. Kinetic modelling of intraband carrier relaxation in bulk and nanocrystalline lead-halide perovskites
T.R. Hopper, A. Jeong, A.A. Gorodetsky, F. Krieg, M.I. Bodnarchuk, X. Huang, R. Lovrincic, M.V. Kovalenko, and A.A. Bakulin
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 17605-17611. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
241. Evidence of large polarons in photoemission band mapping of the perovskite semiconductor CsPbBr3
M. Puppin, S. Polishchuk, N. Colonna, A. Crepaldi, D.N. Dirin, O. Nazarenko, R.De Gennaro, G. Gatti, S. Roth, T. Barillot, L. Poletto, R. P. Xian, L. Rettig, M. Wolf, R. Ernstorfer, M.V. Kovalenko, N. Marzari, M. Grioni, and M. Chergui
Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020, 124, 206402. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
240. A Small Cationic Organo-Copper Cluster as Thermally Robust Highly Photo- and Electro Luminescent Material
M. Olaru, E. Rychagova, S.Yu. Ketkov, Y. Shynkarenko, S. Yakunin, M.V. Kovalenko, A. Yablonskiy, B.A. Andreev, F. Kleemiss, J. Beckmann, M. Vogt
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 1, 373-381. external page Link
239. Tracking the Fluorescence Lifetimes of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals During their Synthesis Using a Fully Automated Optofluidic Platform
I. Lignos, R.M. Maceiczyk, M.V. Kovalenko, S. Stavrakis
Chem. Mater., 2020, 32, 1, 27-37. external page Link

238. Improved Reproducibility of PbS CQDs Solar Cells by Using ATOMIC Layer Deposited TiO2
N. Sukharevska, D. Bederak, D. Dirin, M. Kovalenko, M.A. Loi
Energy Technol., 2020, 8, 1900887. external page Link (open access) external page PDF
237. Self‐Assembly of Proteinaceous Shells Around Positively Charged Gold Nanomaterials Enhances Colloidal Stability in High Ionic Strength Buffers
E. Sasaki, R.M. Dragoman, S. Mantri, D.N. Dirin, M.V. Kovalenko, D. Hilvert
ChemBioChem, 2020, 21, 74–79. external page Link
236. Stable Cesium Formamidinium Lead Halide Perovskites: A Comparison of Photophysics and Phase Purity in Thin Films and Single Crystals
B.G.H.M. Groeneveld, S. Adjokatse, O. Nazarenko, H.H. Fang, G.R. Blake, G. Portale, H. Duim, G.H. Brink, M.V. Kovalenko, M.A. Loi
Energy Technol., 2020, 8, 1901041. external page Link (open access) external page PDF