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118. Solution-grown CsPbBr3 perovskite single crystals for photon detection
D.N Dirin, I. Cherniukh, S. Yakunin, Y. Shynkarenko, and M.V. Kovalenko
Chem. Mater.,
2016, 28, 8470–8474. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Solution-grown CsPbBr3 perovskite single crystals for photon detection

117. Monodisperse Formamidinium Lead Bromide Nanocrystals with Bright and Stable Green Photoluminescence
L. Protesescu, S. Yakunin, M.I. Bodnarchuk, F. Bertolotti, N. Masciocchi, A. Guagliardi, and M.V. Kovalenko
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138, 14202–14205. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Monodisperse Formamidinium Lead Bromide Nanocrystals with Bright and Stable Green Photoluminescence

116. Efficient Blue Electroluminescence Using Quantum-Confined Two-Dimensional Perovskites
S. Kumar, J. Jagielski, S. Yakunin, P. Rice, Yu-C. Chiu, M. Wang, G. Nedelcu, Y. Kim, S. Lin, E.J.G. Santos, M.V. Kovalenko, and Ch.-J. Shih
ACS Nano
, 2016, 10, 9720–9729. external page Link

115. Magnetic Manipulation of Spontaneous Emission from Inorganic CsPbBr3 Perovskites Nanocrystals
M.V. Pavliuk, D.L.A. Fernandes, A.M. El-Zohry, M. Abdellah, G. Nedelcu, M.V. Kovalenko, and J. Sá
Adv. Optical Mater
., 2016, 4, 2004-2008. external page Link

114. Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of Noble Metal Ternary Chalcogenide Systems of Ag-Au-Se in the forms of Alloyed Nanoparticles and Colloidal Nanoheterostructures
M. Dalmases, M. Ibáñez, P. Torruella, V. Fernàndez-Altable, L. Lopez-Conesa, D. Cadavid, L. Piveteau, M. Nachtegaal, J. Llorca, M. Ruiz-González, S. Estrade, F. Peiró, M. V. Kovalenko, A. Cabot, and A. Figuerola
Chem. Mater., 2016, 28, 7017–7028. external page Link

113. Thermoelectric properties of semiconductor-metal composites produced by particle blending
Y. Liu, D. Cadavid, M. Ibáñez, S. Ortega, S. Martí-Sánchez, O. Dobrozhan, M.V. Kovalenko, J. Arbiol and A. Cabot
APL Mater.
, 2016, 4, 104813. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

112. Harnessing Defect-Tolerance at the Nanoscale: Highly Luminescent Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals in Mesoporous Silica Matrices
D.N. Dirin, L. Protesescu, D. Trummer, I.V. Kochetygov, S. Yakunin, F. Krumeich, N.P. Stadie and M.V. Kovalenko
Nano Lett.,
2016, 16, 5866–5874. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Harnessing Defect-Tolerance at the Nanoscale: Highly Luminescent Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals in Mesoporous Silica Matrices

111. Temperature dependent behaviour of lead sulfide quantum dot solar cells and films
M. Speirs, D. Dirin, M. Abdu-Aguye, D.M. Balazs, M. Kovalenko and M.A. Loi
Energy Environ. Sci.,
2016, 9, 2916-2924. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

110. Polymer-Enhanced Stability of Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals and Their Application in Color Conversion LEDs
M. Meyns, M. Perálvarez, A. Heuer-Jungemann, W. Hertog, M. Ibáñez, R. Nafria, A. Genç, J. Arbiol, M.V. Kovalenko, J. Carreras, A. Cabot, and A.G. Kanaras
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,
2016, 8, 19579–19586. external page Link

109. Detection of gamma photons using solution-grown single crystals of hybrid lead halide perovskites
S. Yakunin, D.N. Dirin, Y. Shynkarenko, V. Morad, I. Cherniukh, O. Nazarenko, D. Kreil, T. Nauser and M.V. Kovalenko
Nature Photonics,
2016, 10, 585–589. external page Link

Detection of gamma photons using solution-grown single crystals of hybrid lead halide perovskites

108. Crystal symmetry breaking and vacancies in colloidal lead chalcogenide quantum dots
F. Bertolotti, D.N. Dirin, M. Ibáñez, F. Krumeich, A. Cervellino, R. Frison, O. Voznyy, E.H. Sargent, M.V. Kovalenko, A. Guagliardi and N. Masciocchi
Nature Materials,
2016, 15, 987–994. external page Link

107. Hydrogen-Like Wannier-Mott Excitons in Single Crystal of Methylammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite
J. Tilchin, D.N. Dirin, G.I. Maikov, A. Sashchiuk, M.V. Kovalenko, and E. Lifshitz
ACS Nano,
2016, 10, 6363-6371. external page Link

106. Energy Transfer Between Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals
C. Weerd, L. Navascues, H. Zhang, W. Buma, G. Nedelcu, M.V. Kovalenko, and T. Gregorkiewicz
J. Phys. Chem. C,
2016, 120, 13310-13315. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

105. Probing the molecular character of periodic mesoporous organosilicates via photoluminescence of Lewis acid–base adducts
I. Thiel, A. Fedorov, R. Verel, S. Yakunin, M.V. Kovalenko and C. Copéret
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2016, 18, 13746-13749. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

104. Colloidal AgSbSe2 nanocrystals: surface analysis, electronic doping and processing into thermoelectric nanomaterials
Y. Liu, D. Cadavid, M. Ibáñez, J. De Roo, S. Ortega, O. Dobrozhan, M. Kovalenko and A. Cabot
J. Mater. Chem. C
, 2016, 4, 4756-4762. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

103. Inexpensive Colloidal SnSb Nanoalloys as Efficient Anode Materials for Lithium- and Sodium-Ion Batteries
M. Walter, S. Doswald and M. Kovalenko
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 7053-7059. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

102. Free carrier generation and recombination in PbS quantum dot solar cells
J. Kurpiers, D.M. Balazs, A. Paulke, S. Albrecht, I. Lange, L. Protesescu, M.V. Kovalenko, M.A. Loi and D. Neher
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2016, 108, 103102. external page Link

101. High-performance thermoelectric nanocomposites from nanocrystal building blocks
M. Ibáñez, Z. Luo, A. Genç, L. Piveteau, S. Ortega, D. Cadavid, O. Dobrozhan, Y. Liu, M. Nachtegaal, M. Zebarjadi, J. Arbiol, M.V. Kovalenko & A. Cabot
Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 10766. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

High-performance thermoelectric nanocomposites from nanocrystal building blocks

100. From molecular germanates to microporous Ge@C via twin polymerization
P. Kitschke, M. Walter, T. Rueffer, H. Lang, M. Kovalenko and M. Mehring
Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 5741-5751. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

99. Synthesis of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals in a Droplet-Based Microfluidic Platform: Fast Parametric Space Mapping
I. Lignos, S. Stavrakis, G. Nedelcu, L. Protesescu, A.J. deMello, and M.V. Kovalenko
Nano Lett. 2016, 16, 1869–1877. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Synthesis of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals in a Droplet-Based Microfluidic Platform: Fast Parametric Space Mapping

98. Double Gate PbS Quantum Dot Field-Effect Transistors for Tuneable Electrical Characteristics
A.G. Shulga, L. Piveteau, S.Z. Bisri, M.V. Kovalenko and M.A. Loi
Adv. Electron. Mater., 2016, 1500467. external page Link

97. Porous Ge@C materials via Twin polymerization of germanium(II) salicyl alcoholates for Li-ion batteries
P. Kitschke, M. Walter, T. Rueffer, A. Seifert, F. Speck, T. Seyller, S. Spange, H. Lang, A.A. Auer, M.V. Kovalenko and M. Mehring
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 2705-2719. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

96. Highly Dynamic Ligand Binding and Light Absorption Coefficient of Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystals
J. De Roo, M. Ibáñez, P. Geiregat, G. Nedelcu, W. Walravens, J. Maes, J.C. Martins, I. Van Driessche, M.V. Kovalenko, and Z. Hens
ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 2071–2081. external page Link

Highly Dynamic Ligand Binding and Light Absorption Coefficient of Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystals

95. Scalable Heating-Up Synthesis of Monodisperse Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanocrystals
A. Shavel, M. Ibáñez, Z. Luo, J. De Roo, À. Carreté, M. Dimitrievska, A. Genç, M. Meyns, A. Pérez-Rodríguez, M.V. Kovalenko, J. Arbiol, and A. Cabot
Chem. Mater., 2016, 28, 720–726. external page Link

94. Single Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals at Low Temperature: Fast Single-Photon Emission, Reduced Blinking, and Exciton Fine Structure
G. Raino, G. Nedelcu, L. Protesescu, M.I. Bodnarchuk, M.V. Kovalenko, R.F. Mahrt, and T. Stöferle
ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 2485–2490. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

93. Air-Stable, Near-to-Mid-Infrared Emitting Solids of PbTe/CdTe Core-Shell Colloidal Quantum Dots
L. Protesescu, T. Zünd, M.I. Bodnarchuk, M.V. Kovalenko
ChemPhysChem, 2016, 17, 670–674. external page Link

92. Polar-solvent-free colloidal synthesis of highly luminescent alkylammonium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals
O. Vybornyi, S. Yakunin and M. Kovalenko
Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 6278-6283. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Polar-solvent-free colloidal synthesis of highly luminescent alkylammonium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals