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235. Amplified Spontaneous Emission Threshold Reduction and Operational Stability Improvement in CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals Films by Hydrophobic Functionalization of the Substrate
M.L. De Giorgi, F. Krieg, M.V. Kovalenko & M. Anni
Sci. Rep., 2019, 9, 17964. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

234. Colloidal CdSe Quantum Wells with Graded Shell Composition for Low-Threshold Amplified Spontaneous Emission and Highly Efficient Electroluminescence
Y. Kelestemur, Y. Shynkarenko, M. Anni, S. Yakunin, M.L. De Giorgi, M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 12, 13899-13909. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Stable Ultra-Concentrated and Ultra-Dilute Colloids of CsPbX3 (X=Cl, Br) Nanocrystals using Natural Lecithin as a Capping Ligand

233. Stable Ultra-Concentrated and Ultra-Dilute Colloids of CsPbX3 (X=Cl, Br) Nanocrystals using Natural Lecithin as a Capping Ligand
F. Krieg, Q.K. Ong, M. Burian, G. Raino, D. Naumenko, H. Amenitsch, A. Süess, M. Grotevent, F. Krumeich, M.I. Bodnarchuk, I. Shorubalko, F. Stellacci, M.V. Kovalenko
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 50, 19839-19849. external page Link (open access) external page PDF (external page ACS Live slides)

Stable Ultra-Concentrated and Ultra-Dilute Colloids of CsPbX3 (X=Cl, Br) Nanocrystals using Natural Lecithin as a Capping Ligand

232. Crystal Structure, Morphology and Surface Termination of Cyan-Emissive, 6-Monolayers-Thick CsPbBr3 Nanoplatelets from X-Ray Total Scattering
F. Bertolotti, G. Nedelcu, A. Vivani, A. Cervellino, N. Masciocchi, A. Guagliardi, M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 12, 14294-14307. external page Link (open access) external page PDF, (external page ACS Live slides)

Crystal Structure, Morphology and Surface Termination of Cyan-Emissive, 6-Monolayers-Thick CsPbBr3 Nanoplatelets from X-Ray Total Scattering

231. Manganese(II) in tetrahedral halide environment: factors governing bright green luminescence
V. Morad, I. Cherniukh, L. Pöttschacher, Y. Shynkarenko, S. Yakunin, M.V. Kovalenko
Chem. Mater., 2019, 31, 24, 10161-10169. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Manganese(II) in tetrahedral halide environment: factors governing bright green luminescence
Manganese(II) in tetrahedral halide environment: factors governing bright green luminescence

230. Energy transfer from perovskite nanocrystals to dye molecules does not occur by FRET
F.J. Hofmann, M. Bodnarchuk, D.N. Dirin, J. Vogelsang, M.V. Kovalenko, J.M. Lupton
Nano Lett., 2019, 19, 12, 8896-8902. external page Link

229. Hybrid Metal Halides with Multiple Photoluminescence Centers
M. Li, J. Zhou, G. Zhou, M.S. Molokeev, J. Zhao, V. Morad, M.V. Kovalenko, and Zhiguo Xia
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 2–8. external page Link

228. Size-Dependent Biexciton Spectrum in CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals
M.N. Ashner, K.E. Shulenberger, F. Krieg, E.R. Powers, M.V. Kovalenko, M.G. Bawendi, W.A. Tisdale
ACS Energy Lett, 2019, 4, 11, 2639-2645. external page Link

227. Direct Synthesis of Quaternary Alkylammonium Capped Perovskite Nanocrystals for Efficient Blue and Green Light-Emitting Diodes
Y. Shynkarenko, M.I. Bodnarchuk, C. Bernasconi, Y. Berezovska, V. Verteletskyi, S. Ochsenbein, M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Energy Lett, 2019, 4, 11, 2703-2711. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Direct Synthesis of Quaternary Alkylammonium Capped Perovskite Nanocrystals for Efficient Blue and Green Light-Emitting Diodes

226. Microcarrier-Assisted Inorganic Shelling of Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
D.N Dirin, B.M. Benin, S. Yakunin, F. Krumeich, G. Raino, R. Frison, M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Nano, 2019, 3, 10, 11642-11652. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Microcarrier-Assisted Inorganic Shelling of Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals

225. Zeolite-Templated Carbon as a Stable, High Power Magnesium-Ion Cathode Material
R. J.-C. Dubey, T. Colijn, M. Aebli, E.E. Hanson, R. Widmer, K.V. Kravchyk, M.V. Kovalenko, N.P. Stadie
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 43, 39902-39909. external page Link

Zeolite-Templated Carbon as a Stable, High Power Magnesium-Ion Cathode Material

224. Anatase TiO2 Nanorods as Cathode Materials for Aluminum-Ion Batteries
S. Wang, K.V. Kravchyk, S. Pigeot-Rémy, W. Tang, F. Krumeich, M. Wörle, M.I. Bodnarchuk, S. Cassaignon, O. Durupthy, S. Zhao, C. Sanchez, M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2019, 2, 10, 6428-6435. external page Link

Anatase TiO2 Nanorods as Cathode Materials for Aluminum-Ion Batteries

223. Setting an Upper Bound to the Biexciton Binding Energy in CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals
K.E. Shulenberger, M.N. Ashner, S.K. Ha, F. Krieg, M.V. Kovalenko, W.A. Tisdale, M.G. Bawendi
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2019, 10, 18, 5680-5686. external page Link

222. Building better all-solid-state batteries with Li-garnet solid electrolytes and metalloid anodes
S. Afyon, K.V. Kravchyk, S. Wang, J. van den Broek, C. Hänsel, M. V. Kovalenko and J.L.M. Rupp
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 21299-21308. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Building better all-solid-state batteries with Li-garnet solid electrolytes and metalloid anodes

221. Cost-effective sol-gel synthesis of porous CuO nanoparticle aggregates with tunable specific surface area
L. Dörner, C. Cancellieri, B. Rheingans, M. Walter, R. Kägi, P. Schmutz, M.V. Kovalenko & L. Jeurgens
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 11758. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

220. Patterned Quantum Dot Photosensitive FETs for Medium Frequency Optoelectronics
A.G. Shulga, A.Yamamura, K. Tsuzuku, R.M. Dragoman, D.N. Dirin, S. Watanabe, M.V. Kovalenko, J. Takeya, M.A. Loi
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2019, 1900054. external page Link

219. Rechargeable Dual-ion Batteries with Graphite as a Cathode: Key Challenges and Opportunities
K.V. Kravchyk, M.V. Kovalenko
Advanced Energy Materials , 2019, 1901749. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Rechargeable Dual-ion Batteries with Graphite as a Cathode: Key Challenges and Opportunities

218. Silicon Oxycarbide—Tin Nanocomposite as a High‐Power‐Density Anode for Li‐Ion Batteries
R.J.‐C. Dubey, P.V.W. Sasikumar, F. Krumeich, G. Blugan, J. Kuebler, K.V. Kravchyk, T. Graule, M.V. Kovalenko
Advanced Science, 2019, 1901220. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Silicon Oxycarbide—Tin Nanocomposite as a High‐Power‐Density Anode for Li‐Ion Batteries
Silicon Oxycarbide—Tin Nanocomposite as a High‐Power‐Density Anode for Li‐Ion Batteries

217. A high-voltage concept with sodium-ion conducting β-alumina for magnesium-sodium dual-ion batteries
K.V. Kravchyk, M. Walter and M.V. Kovalenko
Communications Chemistry, 2019, 2, 84. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

A high-voltage concept with sodium-ion conducting β-alumina for magnesium-sodium dual-ion batteries

216. High-resolution remote thermometry and thermography using luminescent low-dimensional tin-halide perovskites
S. Yakunin, B.M. Benin, Y. Shynkarenko, O. Nazarenko, M.I. Bodnarchuk, D.N. Dirin, C. Hofer, S. Cattaneo & M.V. Kovalenko
Nature Materials, 2019, 18, 846-852. external page Link external page view-only pdf link

High-resolution remote thermometry and thermography using luminescent low-dimensional tin-halide perovskites

215. Disphenoidal Zero-Dimensional Lead, Tin, and Germanium Halides: Highly Emissive Singlet and Triplet Self-Trapped Excitons and X-ray Scintillation
V. Morad, Y. Shynkarenko, S. Yakunin, A. Brumberg, R.D. Schaller, M.V. Kovalenko
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 25, 9764-9768. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Disphenoidal Zero-Dimensional Lead, Tin, and Germanium Halides: Highly Emissive Singlet and Triplet Self-Trapped Excitons and X-ray Scintillation
Disphenoidal Zero-Dimensional Lead, Tin, and Germanium Halides: Highly Emissive Singlet and Triplet Self-Trapped Excitons and X-ray Scintillation

214. Tuning Transport Properties in Thermoelectric Nanocomposites through Inorganic Ligands and Heterostructured Building Blocks
M. Ibáñez, A. Genç, R. Hasler, Y. Liu, O. Dobrozhan, O. Nazarenko, M. Mata, J. Arbiol, A. Cabot, and M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Nano., 2019, 13, 6, 6572-6580. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Tuning Transport Properties in Thermoelectric Nanocomposites through Inorganic Ligands and Heterostructured Building Blocks

213. Underestimated Effect of a Polymer Matrix on the Light Emission of Single CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals
G. Raino, A. Landuyt, F. Krieg, C. Bernasconi, S.T. Ochsenbein, D.N. Dirin, M.I. Bodnarchuk, and M.V. Kovalenko
Nano Lett., 2019, 19, 6, 3648-3653. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Underestimated Effect of a Polymer Matrix on the Light Emission of Single CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals

212. Engineering Color-Stable Blue Light-Emitting Diodes with Lead-Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
S.T. Ochsenbein, F. Krieg, Y. Shynkarenko, G. Raino, and M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 24, 21655-21660. external page Link

Engineering Color-Stable Blue Light-Emitting Diodes with Lead-Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals

211. Unraveling the Radiative Pathways of Hot Carriers upon Intense Photoexcitation of Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
P. Papagiorgis, A. Manoli, S. Michael, C. Bernasconi, M.I. Bodnarchuk, M.V. Kovalenko, A. Othonos∥, and G. Itskos
ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 5799-5809. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Unraveling the Radiative Pathways of Hot Carriers upon Intense Photoexcitation of Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals

210. The ground exciton state of formamidinium lead bromide perovskite nanocrystals is a singlet dark state
P. Tamarat, M.I. Bodnarchuk, J.-B. Trebbia, R. Erni, M.V. Kovalenko, J. Even & B. Lounis
Nature Materials, 2019, 18, 717-724. external page Link, external page Full text


Nature News and Views: “external page Shedding light on dark excitons”,  by Andries Meijerink & Freddy T. Rabouw, May 13, 2019.

209. Ligand-Mediated Band Engineering in Bottom-Up Assembled SnTe Nanocomposites for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion
M. Ibáñez, R. Hasler, A. Genç, Y. Liu, B. Kuster, M. Schuster, O. Dobrozhan, D. Cadavid, J. Arbiol, A. Cabot, and M.V. Kovalenko
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 8025-8029. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Ligand-Mediated Band Engineering in Bottom-Up Assembled SnTe Nanocomposites for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion
Ligand-Mediated Band Engineering in Bottom-Up Assembled SnTe Nanocomposites for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion

208. Zeolite-Templated Carbon as the Cathode for a High Energy Density Dual-Ion Battery
R. Dubey, J. Nüssli, L. Piveteau, K.V. Kravchyk, M.D. Rossell, M. Campanini, R. Erni, M.V. Kovalenko, and N.P. Stadie
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 17686-17696. external page Link

Zeolite-Templated Carbon as the Cathode for a High Energy Density Dual-Ion Battery

207. Copper sulfide nanoparticles as high-performance cathode materials for Mg-ion batteries
K.V. Kravchyk, R. Widmer, R. Erni, R. Dubey, F. Krumeich, M. Kovalenko, and M. Bodnarchuk
Sci. Rep., 2019, 9, 7988. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Copper sulfide nanoparticles as high-performance cathode materials for Mg-ion batteries

206. Transition metal trifluoroacetates (M = Fe, Co, Mn) as precursors for uniform colloidal metal difluoride and phosphide nanoparticles
C.P. Guntlin, K.V. Kravchyk, R. Erni, and M.V. Kovalenko
Sci. Rep., 2019, 9, 6613. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Transition metal trifluoroacetates (M = Fe, Co, Mn) as precursors for uniform colloidal metal difluoride and phosphide nanoparticles

205. Nanoprinted Quantum Dot–Graphene Photodetectors
M.J. Grotevent, C.U. Hail, S. Yakunin, D.N. Dirin, K. Thodkar, G.B. Barin, P. Guyot‐Sionnest, M. Calame, D. Poulikakos, M.V. Kovalenko, I. Shorubalko
Adv. Optical Mater., 2019, 1900019. external page Link

Nanoprinted Quantum Dot–Graphene Photodetectors

204. Exciton Gating and Triplet Deshelving in Single Dye Molecules Excited by Perovskite Nanocrystal FRET Antennae
F.J. Hofmann, M.I. Bodnarchuk, L. Protesescu, M.V. Kovalenko, J.M. Lupton, and J. Vogelsang
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2019, 10, 1055–1062. external page Link

203. Guanidinium and mixed Cesium-Guanidinium Tin(II) Bromides: Effects of Quantum Confinement and Out-of-Plane Octahedral Tilting
O. Nazarenko, M.R. Kotyrba, S. Yakunin, M. Wörle, B.M. Benin, G. Rainò, F. Krumeich, M. Kepenekian, J. Even, C. Katan, and M.V. Kovalenko
Chem. Mater., 2019, 31, 2121–2129. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Guanidinium and mixed Cesium-Guanidinium Tin(II) Bromides: Effects of Quantum Confinement and Out-of-Plane Octahedral Tilting

202. Overcoming the High-Voltage Limitations of Li-Ion Batteries using Titanium Nitride Current Collector
S. Wang, K.V. Kravchyk, A.N. Filippin, R. Widmer, A.N. Tiwari, S. Buecheler, M.I. Bodnarchuk, and M.V. Kovalenko
ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2019, 2, 974–978. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Overcoming the High-Voltage Limitations of Li-Ion Batteries using Titanium Nitride Current Collector

201. Coherent spin dynamics of electrons and holes in CsPbBr3 perovskite crystals
V.V. Belykh, D.R. Yakovlev, M.M. Glazov, P.S. Grigoryev, M. Hussain, J. Rautert, D.N. Dirin, M.V. Kovalenko and M. Bayer
Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 673. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

ArXiv version (9 Oct 2018): external page Link, external page PDF

200. Highly Stable, Near‐Unity Efficiency Atomically Flat Semiconductor Nanocrystals of CdSe/ZnS Hetero‐Nanoplatelets Enabled by ZnS‐Shell Hot‐Injection Growth
Y. Altintas, U. Quliyeva, K. Gungor, O. Erdem, Y. Kelestemur, E. Mutlugun, M.V. Kovalenko, H.V. Demir
Small, 2019, 1804854. external page Link

199. Tunability and Scalability of Single-Atom Catalysts Based on Carbon Nitride
Z. Chen, S. Mitchell, F. Krumeich, R. Hauert, S. Yakunin, M.V. Kovalenko, and J. Pérez-Ramírez
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2019, 7, 5223–5230. external page Link

198. Robust Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Polymer Fibers Sensitized by Inorganic and Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal Emitters
P.G. Papagiorgis, A. Manoli, A. Alexiou, P. Karacosta, X. Karagiorgis, G. Papaparaskeva, M. Bodnarchuk, M.V. Kovalenko, T. Krasia and G. Itskos
Front. Chem., 2019, 7, 87. external page Link

197. Impact of crystal structure and particle shape on the photoluminescence intensity of CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals
L. Ludescher, D. Dirin, M.V. Kovalenko, M. Sztucki, P. Boesecke and R.T. Lechner
Front. Chem., 2019, 6, 672. external page Link (open access)

196. Coherent Single Photon Emission from Colloidal Lead Halide Perovskite Quantum Dots
H. Utzat, W. Sun, A.E.K. Kaplan, F. Krieg, M. Ginterseder, B. Spokoyny, N.D. Klein, K.E. Shulenberger, C.F. Perkinson, M.V. Kovalenko, M.G. Bawendi
Science, 2019, 363, 1068-1072. external page Link

ArXiv version (31 Dec 2018). external page Link (open access) external page PDF

195. Rationalizing and Controlling the Surface Structure and Electronic Passivation of Cesium Lead Halide Nanocrystals
M.I. Bodnarchuk, S.C. Boehme, S. Brinck, C. Bernasconi, Y. Shynkarenko, F. Krieg, R. Widmer, B. Aeschlimann, D. Günther, M.V. Kovalenko, and I. Infante
ACS Energy Lett., 2019, 4, 63–74. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Rationalizing and Controlling the Surface Structure and Electronic Passivation of Cesium Lead Halide Nanocrystals