2004 - 2011

44. Metal-free inorganic ligands for colloidal nanocrystals: S2-, HS-, Se2-, HSe-, Te2-, HTe-, TeS32-, OH-, and NH2- as surface ligands
A. Nag, M. V. Kovalenko, J.-S. Lee, W. Liu, B. Spokoyny, D. V. Talapin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 10612–10620. external page Link

Metal-free inorganic ligands for colloidal nanocrystals: S2-, HS-, Se2-, HSe-, Te2-, HTe-, TeS32-, OH-, and NH2- as surface ligands

43. Band-like transport, high electron mobility and high photoconductivity in all-inorganic nanocrystal arrays
J.-S. Lee, M. V. Kovalenko, J. Huang, D. S. Chung, D. V. Talapin
Nature Nanotechnology, 2011, 6, 348-352. external page Link

Highlights: Chemical and Engineering News May 9, 2011.

Band-like transport, high electron mobility and high photoconductivity in all-inorganic nanocrystal arrays

42. Optical Properties of Organic Semiconductor Blends with Near-Infrared Quantum-Dot Sensitizers for Light Harvesting Applications
G. Itskos, A. Othonos, T. Rauch, S. F. Tedde, O. Hayden, M. V. Kovalenko, W. Heiss and S. A. Choulis
Advanced Energy Materials, 2011, 1, 802-812. external page Link

Optical Properties of Organic Semiconductor Blends with Near-Infrared Quantum-Dot Sensitizers for Light Harvesting Applications

41. Scanning microwave microscopy and scanning capacitance microscopy on colloidal nanocrystals
I. Humer, O. Bethge, M. Bodnarchuk, M. Kovalenko, M. Yarema, W. Heiss, H. P. Huber, M. Hochleitner, P. Hinterdorfer, F. Kienberger, J. Smoliner
J.Appl. Phys., 2011, 109, 064313. external page Link

40. AFM-based photocurrent imaging of epitaxial and colloidal QDs
M. Madl, W. Brezna, G. Strasser, P. Klang, A. M. Andrews, M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko, M. Yarema, W. Heiss, J. Smoliner
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 2011, 8, 426-428. external page Link

39. Temperature dependent photoresponse from colloidal PbS quantum dot sensitized inorganic/organic hybrid photodiodes
S. Pichler, T. Rauch, R. Seyrkammer, M. Böberl, S. F. Tedde, J. Fürst, M. V. Kovalenko, U. Lemmer, O. Hayden, W. Heiss
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2011, 98, 053305. external page Link

38. Evaluation of Ordering in Single-Component and Binary Nanocrystal Superlattices by Analysis of Their Autocorrelation Functions
S. Pichler, M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko, M.Yarema, G. Springholz, D. V. Talapin, W. Heiss
ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 1703–1712. external page Link

Evaluation of Ordering in Single-Component and Binary Nanocrystal Superlattices by Analysis of Their Autocorrelation Functions

37. Alkyl Chains of Surface Ligands Affect Polytypism of CdSe Nanocrystals and Play an Important Role in the Synthesis of Anisotropic Nanoheterostructures
J. Huang, M. V. Kovalenko, D. V. Talapin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 15866-15868. external page Link

Alkyl Chains of Surface Ligands Affect Polytypism of CdSe Nanocrystals and Play an Important Role in the Synthesis of Anisotropic Nanoheterostructures

36. Highly Monodisperse Bismuth Nanoparticles and Their 3-Dimensional Superlattices
M. Yarema, M. V. Kovalenko, G. Hesser, D. V. Talapin, W. Heiss
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010. 132, 15158-15159. external page Link

Highly Monodisperse Bismuth Nanoparticles and Their 3-Dimensional Superlattices

35. Nanocrystal Superlattices with Thermally Degradable Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Capping Ligands
M. V. Kovalenko, M. I. Bodnarchuk, D. V. Talapin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 15124-15126. external page Link

Nanocrystal Superlattices with Thermally Degradable Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Capping Ligands

34. Enhanced colour conversion from colloidal CdSe/CdS dot/rods by vertical microcavities
H. Pühringer, J. Roither, M. V. Kovalenko, M. Eibelhuber, T. Schwarzl, D. V. Talapin, W. Heiss
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2010, 97, 111115. external page Link

33. Energetic and Entropic Contributions to Self-Assembly of Binary Nanocrystal Superlattices: Temperature as the Structure-Directing Factor
M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko, W. Heiss, D. V. Talapin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 11967-11977. external page Link

Energetic and Entropic Contributions to Self-Assembly of Binary Nanocrystal Superlattices: Temperature as the Structure-Directing Factor

32. Expanding the chemical versatility of colloidal nanocrystals capped with molecular metal chalcogenide ligands
M. V. Kovalenko, M. I. Bodnarchuk, J. Zaumseil, J.-S. Lee, D. V. Talapin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 10085-10092. external page Link

Expanding the chemical versatility of colloidal nanocrystals capped with molecular metal chalcogenide ligands

31. Langmuir-Schaefer deposition of quantum dot multilayers
K. Lambert, R. Capek, M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko, D. Van Thourhout, W. Heiss, Z. Hens
Langmuir, 2010, 26, 7732-7736. external page Link

Langmuir-Schaefer deposition of quantum dot multilayers

30. Damascene process for controlled positioning of magnetic colloidal nanocrystals
G. Chen, M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko, G. Springholz, W. Heiss, W. Jantsch, E. Platzgummer, H. Loeschner, J. Schotter
Adv. Mater., 2010, 22, 1364-1368. external page Link

Damascene process for controlled positioning of magnetic colloidal nanocrystals

29. Large-Area Ordered Superlattices from Magnetic Wuestite/Cobalt-Ferrite Core/Shell Nanocrystals by Doctor Blade Casting
M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko, G. Fritz-Popovski, S. Pichler, G. Hesser, W. Heiss
ACS Nano, 2010, 4, 423-431. external page Link

Large-Area Ordered Superlattices from Magnetic Wuestite/Cobalt-Ferrite Core/Shell Nanocrystals by Doctor Blade Casting

28. Semiconductor Nanocrystals Functionalized with Antimony Telluride Zintl Ions for Nanostructured Thermoelectrics
M. V. Kovalenko, B. Spokoyny, J.-S. Lee, M. Scheele, A. Weber, S. Perera, D. Landry, D. V. Talapin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 6686-6695. external page Link

Semiconductor Nanocrystals Functionalized with Antimony Telluride Zintl Ions for Nanostructured Thermoelectrics

27. Prospects of Colloidal Nanocrystals for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications
D. V. Talapin, J.-S. Lee, M. V. Kovalenko, E. V. Shevchenko
Chem. Rev., 2010, 110, 389-458. external page Link

Prospects of Colloidal Nanocrystals for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications

26. Enhanced infrared emission from colloidal HgTe nanocrystal quantum dots on silicon-on-insulator photonic crystals
C. Wang, J. Roither, R. Kirschschlager, M. V. Kovalenko, M. Brehm, T. Fromherz, Q. Kan, P. Tan, J. Liu, H. Chen, W. Heiss
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2009, 95, 053107. external page Link

25. Exciton-exciton interaction and optical gain in colloidal CdSe/CdS dot/rod nanocrystals
M. Saba, S. Minniberger, F. Quochi, J. Roither, M. Marceddu, A. Gocalinska, M. V. Kovalenko, D. V. Talapin, W. Heiss, A. Mura, G. Bongiovanni
Adv. Mater., 2009, 21, 4942-4946. external page Link

Exciton-exciton interaction and optical gain in colloidal CdSe/CdS dot/rod nanocrystals

24. Exchange-coupled bimagnetic wüstite/metal ferrite core/shell nanocrystals: size, shape, and compositional control
M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko, H. Groiss, R. Resel, M. Reissner, G. Hesser, R. T. Lechner, W. Steiner, F. Schaffler, W. Heiss
Small, 2009, 5, 2247-2252. external page Link

23. Colloidal nanocrystals with molecular metal chalcogenide surface ligands
M. V. Kovalenko, M. Scheele, D. V. Talapin
Science, 2009, 324, 1417-1420. external page Link

Highlight: Angew. Chemie. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 7484 (“external page All-Inorganic Nanocrystal Arrays” by Stephanie Brock).

Colloidal nanocrystals with molecular metal chalcogenide surface ligands

22. Near-infrared imaging with quantum-dot-sensitized organic phtodiodes
T. Rauch, M. Böberl, S. F. Tedde, J. Fürst, M. V. Kovalenko, G. Hesser, U. Lemmer, W. Heiss, O. Hayden
Nature Photonics, 2009, 3, 332-336. external page Link

Near-infrared imaging with quantum-dot-sensitized organic phtodiodes

21. Solution-processable Near-IR photodetectors based on electron transfer from PbS nanocrystals to fullerene derivatives
K. Szendrei, F. Cordella, M. V. Kovalenko, M. Böberl, G. Hesser, M. Yarema, D. Jarzab, O. V. Mikhnenko, A. Gocalinska, M. Saba, F. Quochi, A. Mura, G. Bongiovanni, P. W. M. Blom, W. Heiss, M. A. Loi
Adv. Mater., 2008, 21, 683-687. external page Link

Solution-processable Near-IR photodetectors based on electron transfer from PbS nanocrystals to fullerene derivatives

20. Highly efficient (infra)-red-conversion of InGaN light emitting diodes by nanocrystals, enhanced by colour selective mirrors
J. Roither, M. V. Kovalenko, W. Heiss
Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 355205. external page Link

19. Preparation of catalytic nano-particles and growth of aligned CNTs with HF-CVD
W. Schwinger J. Haring, A. Jantscher, R Haubner, I. Gerger, M. Bodnarchuk, M. Kovalenko, W. Heiss, R. Schöftner
J. Phys., 2008, 100, 052092. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

18. Quantum dot nanocolumn photodetectors for light detection in the infrared
M. Böberl, M. V. Kovalenko, G. Pillwein, G. Brunthaler, W. Heiss
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2008, 92, 261113. external page Link

17. Gold/Iron Oxide Core/Hollow-Shell Nanoparticles
E. V. Shevchenko, M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko, D. V. Talapin, R. K. Smith, S. Aloni, W. Heiss, A. P. Alivisatos
Adv. Mater., 2008, 20, 4323-4329. external page Link (open access) external page PDF

Reprinted in full text in a special reprint issue in 2009, The Best of Advanced Materials.

Gold/Iron Oxide Core/Hollow-Shell Nanoparticles

16. Quasi-seeded growth of ligand-tailored PbSe nanocrystals through cation-exchange mediated nucleation
M. V. Kovalenko, D. V. Talapin, M. A. Loi, F. Cordella, G. Hesser, M. I. Bodnarchuk, W. Heiss
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2008, 47, 3029-3033. external page Link

Quasi-seeded growth of ligand-tailored PbSe nanocrystals through cation-exchange mediated nucleation

15. Energy transfer in close-packed PbS nanocrystalline films
V. Rinnerbauer, H.-J. Egelhaaf, K. Hingerl, P. Zimmer, S. Werner, T. Warming, A. Hoffmann, M. Kovalenko, W. Heiss, G. Hesser, F. Schaffler
Phys. Rev. B., 2008, 77, 085322. external page Link

14. SnTe nanocrystals: a new example of narrow gap semiconductor quantum dots
M. V. Kovalenko, W. Heiss, E. V. Shevchenko, J.-S. Lee, E. Schwinghammer, A. P. Alivisatos, D. V. Talapin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129,11354-11355. external page Link

Highlight: Nature Nanotechnology, 2007, September 7 (“external page Nanocrystals: Narrowing the Gap” by Ros Portman).

SnTe nanocrystals: a new example of narrow gap semiconductor quantum dots

13. Inkjet-printed nanocrystal photodetectors operating up to 3 μm wavelengths
M. Böberl, M. V. Kovalenko, S. Gamerith, E. List, W. Heiss
Adv. Mater., 2007, 19, 3574-3578. external page Link

Inkjet-printed nanocrystal photodetectors operating up to 3 μm wavelengths

12. Quantum confinement in layer-by-layer deposited colloidal HgTe nanocrystals determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry
V. Rinnerbauer, K. Hingerl, M. Kovalenko, W. Heiss
Appl. Surf. Sci., 2007, 254, 291-294. external page Link

11. Fatty acid salts as stabilizers in size- and shape-controlled nanocrystal synthesis: the case of inverse spinel iron oxide
M. V. Kovalenko, M. I. Bodnarchuk, R. T. Lechner, G. Hesser, F. Schäffler, W. Heiss
J. Am .Chem. Soc., 2007, 129, 6352-6353. external page Link

Fatty acid salts as stabilizers in size- and shape-controlled nanocrystal synthesis: the case of inverse spinel iron oxide

10. Two- and one-dimensional light propagations and gain in layer-by-layer deposited colloidal nanocrystal waveguides
J. Roither, S. Pichler, M. V. Kovalenko, W. Heiss, P. Feychuk, O. Panchuk, J. Allam, B. N. Murdin
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006, 89, 111120. external page Link

9. Effect of quantum confinement on higher transitions in HgTe nanocrystals
V. Rinnerbauer, K. Hingerl, M. Kovalenko, W. Heiss
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006, 89, 193114. external page Link

8. Spectroscopic ellipsometry of layer by layer deposited colloidal HgTe nanocrystals exhibiting quantum confinement
V. Rinnerbauer, M. Kovalenko, V. Lavchiev, G. Kocher, J. Roither, W. Heiss, K. Hingerl
Physica E, 2006, 32, 104-107. external page Link

7. Colloidal HgTe nanocrystals with widely tunable narrow band gap energies: from telecommunications to molecular vibrations
M. V. Kovalenko, E. Kaufmann, D. Pachinger, J. Roither, M. Huber, J. Stangl, G. Hesser, F. Schäffler, W. Heiss
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 3516-3517. external page Link

Colloidal HgTe nanocrystals with widely tunable narrow band gap energies: from telecommunications to molecular vibrations

6. Hybrid solar cells using HgTe nanocrystals and nanoporous TiO2 electrodes
S. Günes, H. Neugebauer, N. S. Sariciftci, J. Roither, M. V. Kovalenko, G. Pillwein, W. Heiss
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2006, 16, 1095-1099. external page Link

 Hybrid solar cells using HgTe nanocrystals and nanoporous TiO2 electrodes

5. Nanocrystal-based microcavity light-emitting devices operating in the telecommunication wavelegth range
J. Roither, M. V. Kovalenko, S. Pichler, T. Schwarzl, W. Heiss
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2005, 86, 2411. external page Link

4. Photochemical modification of optical properties of CdTe nanocrystals
M. V. Kovalenko, M. I. Bodnarchuk, W. Heiss, A. L. Stroyuk, and S. Ya. Kuchmi
Nanosystems, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies, 2004, 2, 841-848.

3. Optical and photochemical properties of quantum-sized CdTe particles
A. L. Stroyuk, M. V. Kovalenko, M. I. Bodnarchuk, and S. Ya. Kuchmii
Nanosystems, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies, 2004, 2, 527-541.

2. Photoinduced electron transfer between CdS and CdTe nanoparticles in colloidal solutions
M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko, A. L. Stroyuk, and S. Ya. Kuchmii
Theor. Exp. Chem., 2004, 40, 287-292. external page Link

1. Spectral, optical and photocatalytic characteristics of quantum-sized particles of CdTe
M. V. Kovalenko, M. I. Bodnarchuk, A. L. Stroyuk, and S. Ya. Kuchmii
Theor. Exp. Chem., 2004, 40, 220-225. external page Link