Congratulations to Maksym!
Maksym Kovalenko is appointed as an Associate Editor of Chemistry of Materials, starting from January 2018. New endeavors for him, but perhaps less of his time is left for us, his group.
Ruzicka Prize for Maria Ibanez
Congratulations to Maria for the Ruzicka Prize 2017! She receives the prize for the improved synthesis of materials that can generate electricity from waste heat.
Highlighted work
Our work about non-dissipative internal optical filtering with solution-grown perovskite single crystals for full-colour imaging had been highlighted in Empa News.
Congratulations to Maria Ibanez!
She accepted a position of a tenure-track assistant professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) and will move there in summer 2018.
MaP Award 2017
Many congratulations to Dr. Loredana Protesescu for winning the MaP Award 2017 for her PhD thesis on "Novel Luminescent Colloidal Nanocrystals and Studies on Nanocrystal Surface Chemistry"! The prize comes with an award of CHF 2500.